My pet fish!
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My pet fish!

Lifestyle By Siyona

Hi, my name is Siyona today is my first day of blogging. In this blog I’ll be sharing some views and events in my life.

Today I’m going to talk about my pet fish!

It all started from a promise my Mom made, she said “you need to complete 5 episodes of your podcast and I will get you some pet fish,” I was super excited at this, so I worked hard and the task was completed! But I didn’t get my pets and I was worried that Mom would not keep up her promise then we had to release the 6th episode. Then one day Mom said that she had to go and buy a few things for the house. Hours went by and she wasn’t back yet then finally she came home with my cousins then she said there was more stuff in the car so she had to go and bring it. I stayed there and spoke to my cousins who said that there was a surprise for me. I wondered what it was? Then Mom came in and gave me a new water bottle and I was too confused: how can a water bottle be a surprise?!

I was sad and not interested then I heard Mom and Gaurav Anna coming through saying they had something heavy and fragile so I rushed to see what it was. To my surprise it was the pet fish! I was bubbling with excitement. It was placed on a table and was neatly taken care of. I named the fish Amber, Ember, Frosty and Snowy.

I enjoyed them for the first four days but on the 5th day, Amber was struck with swim bladder disorder and we couldn’t treat it in time so poor Amber died. Then three days after that Ember died a sudden death and we were grief struck. Next about two more days later I woke up and when I saw the fish bowl I saw that the innocent Frosty had passed away and that was it… I was bruised with grief. Mom seeing this thought it was high time they asked the pet shop owner about this crisis and when they went there, he said it was better if we bought a self-cleaning tank with two more tank mates and that’s what happened. Snowy survived for quite a long time along with the two other fish which kept biting Snowy and as expected even she died.

We had to go back and return the excess fishes and get new ones. The owner of the pet shop said that its best to keep hard fish, for the ones that died were soft fish. So we brought 6 hard fish home and took care of them. I didn’t name this lot because one of my cousins said that if you name fish they die quicker. What we saw was that they lived for more than a month and are still here. We might buy more friends for the pets after two more months… The end…. Thanks for reading bye!

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